Former NRI Student Awarded Special Sigma Xi Grant

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC - Behtash Behin-Aein, a principal engineer with GLOBALFOUNDRIES headquartered in Milpitas, CA., has been selected to receive the $5,000 2011 Procter Prize Grant-in-Aid of Research from Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. He was selected for the award by 2011 Procter Prize winner Supriyo Datta, a leading engineer and physicist at Purdue University.
Behin-Aein received his B.Sc. and Ph.D. in 2004 and 2010 respectively from Purdue University, Indiana both in electrical engineering. His Ph.D. work concentrated on spin based devices for logic applications. As part of the Nano-electronics Research Initiative (NRI) he played a key role in proposing the ASL concept.
ASL seeks to provide a new way of information processing based on spin-magnet interactions without repeated spin-to-charge conversion. Part of his current work involves finding practical ways of implementing Spintronics logic. Behin-Aein recently joined GLOBALFOUNDRIES as a principal engineer in the Technology Research Group. His current interests include quantum transport in highly scaled devices, spin-torque devices and magnetic memories for embedded applications.
Founded in 1886, Sigma Xi is the international honor society of research scientists and engineers, with more than 500 chapters at colleges and universities, government laboratories and industry research centers. Membership is by invitation, in recognition of research potential or achievement. Over the years, more than 200 Sigma Xi members have received the Nobel Prize. In addition to publishing American Scientist magazine, the non-profit society awards hundreds of grants annually to student researchers and sponsors a variety of programs that support science and engineering.