New FPGA security policies show unexpected security leaks in existing open source designs.
T3S Featured Publication: Checking Delimited Information Release by Field-Programmable Hardware
Featured Publication
Energy-Efficient Computing: from Devices to Architectures (E2CDA) A Joint Initiative between NSF and SRC
A new joint solicitation from NSF and SRC (GRC and NRI). The window for submitting proposals to NSF is January 4 to March 28, 2016. Technical details and proposal instructions may be found at the NSF website.
SRC In The News
Liaison Best Practices
Missed this e-Workshop? Check out the replay. The liaison role helps organizations maximize the value of participation. Three award-winning liaisons join SRC's Jennifer Dickens—exploring how to get involved, stay connected, and attain results.
NBC LEARN Airs Series on Nanotechnology
'Nanotechnology: Super Small Science' is a six-part video series that shows viewers how atoms and molecules can be used as building blocks to create future technology. NRI Executive Director Tom Theis is featured in Episode 3.
SRC In The News
SRC Supported Center at University of Arizona Reports No Safety Threat from Brief Exposure to Industrial Nanoparticles
A multi-university research team based at the University of Arizona has found that nano-engineered materials widely used in semiconductor manufacturing pose low environmental risk.
New simulation method out of TxACE for DC-DC converters achieves 30X speedup over conventional analysis.
CADT Featured Publication: Report on Simulation and Characterization for Design Optimization of Switched-mode DC-DC Converters
Featured Publication
Some Browsers May be Blocked Access
After months of notice, SRC implemented a required change to the website's secure connections protocol on February 1. Blocked visitors need to update or configure their browsers. If you are reading this, your current browser is not blocked. For more details, continue reading.
Webinar for Energy-Efficient Computing: from Devices to Architectures (E2CDA)
Thursday, January 21, 2016 at 1:00pm EST.
SRC In The News
Stanford Researchers Advance Area Selective Atomic Layer Deposition to Develop Higher Performing, More Energy Efficient Electronics
Research Helps Improve Fabrication Processes for Variety of Nanoscale Electronic, Optoelectronic and Sensing Semiconductor Devices
Press Release
Tech, Academic Leaders Call for Robust Research Investments to Bolster U.S. Tech Leadership, Advance Internet of Things
New SIA-SRC report identifies opportunities for unlocking the next transformative technologies, and warns of the risks of inaction
Press Release
Longtime SRC PI, Chenming Hu, Awarded National Medal of Technology and Innovation
The White House today announced the latest recipients of the National Medal of Science and National Medal of Technology and Innovation -- the nation's highest honors for achievement and leadership in advancing the fields of science and technology. The new awardees will receive their medals at a White House ceremony early next year.
SRC’s New CEO Discusses Chip R&D and the Challenges Ahead
Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk with Ken Hansen for an interview on SRC programs and challenges facing the industry
New lightweight, secure, and reliable PUF-based authentication saves up to 10x in area, 100x in power.
T3S Featured Publication: Reliable PUF-based Local Authentication with Self-Correction
Featured Publication
10x performance improvement shown with new hierarchical fault injection simulation framework for modeling single-event upsets.
CADT Featured Publication: Report on Initial Fault Injection Experiments
Featured Publication
Data mining approaches for processor verification reduce simulation cost by 90% and improve coverage.
CADT Featured Publication: Final Report on Practical Data Learning Tools and Methodologies for Verification
Featured Publication