Prof. Jena of MIND Receives 2012 Young Scientist Award
Professor Debdeep Jena of the University of Notre Dame has been awarded the 2012 Young Scientist Award by the International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS 2012). The award is for his work in fundamental contributions to the understanding of transport nitrides and two-dimensional crystals for high performancew transistors. The awards ceremony will take place in a special session on Tuesday, August 28, 2012 at Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW) to be held in Santa Barbara, CA, August 26-30, 2012. Prof. Jena is one of the principal investigators in NRI's MIND Center at the University of Notre Dame. Congratulations, Debdeep!
SRC In The News
ICSS Featured Publication
Switched-cap RF PA uses digital control techniques to achieve peak PAE of 44% and peak power of 24.3 dBm.
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IPS Featured Publication
TSV array thermomechanical stress interaction was modeled to optimize keep-out zones in n-/p-type silicon.
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IPS Featured Publication
Viscoplasticity mechanisms of porous low-k films and optimal plasma damage repair options were determined.
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CADTS Featured Publication
Machine learning approach shows 70% efficiency improvement in Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) verification.
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CADTS Featured Publication
30% reduction in test time achieved by modeling correlation on production data from wafer sort to system test.
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DS Featured Publication
Optimum implant and annealing conditions were identified for exfoliation of 4H-SiC for bonding onto Si.
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Characterizing SRC's Reach and Impact
SRC at 30: Ralph Cavin demonstrates the wide reach and substantial impact of SRC research programs.
New Frontiers Session at TECHCON 2012
The New Frontiers Session on Monday afternoon will highlight SRC's incredible 30-year history of innovative research collaboration, as well as look forward to the consortium’s exciting future endeavors. The speakers are: Dr. Ralph Cavin, Chief Scientist, SRC and Professor Timothy Lu, Assistant Professor, Synthetic Biology Group, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT. More information, including presentation abstracts, is available in the Conference Highlights section of this program.
SRC and Environmental Research Center Employ Real-Time Monitoring to Slash Water and Energy Usage for Semiconductor Manufacturing
30 Percent Reduction in Wafer Surface Cleaning Requirements Can Benefit Manufacturing Sustainability for Both 300mm and 450mm Processes
Press Release
Workshop on Challenges in PV Science to be Held August 2-3 at Purdue
Challenges in PV Science, Technology, and Manufacturing: A Workshop on the Role of Theory, Modeling, and Simulation - ERI workshop on Augsuts 2-3 at Purdue University
SRC In The News
ICSS Featured Publication
Adaptive core architecture reduces peak power by 20% with little performance loss, outperforming DVFS methods.
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