Comparing library filters and the full-text search engine

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The SRC website provides two powerful toolsets to help you find specific information—the Library and its filters and a full-text search capability. Both the Library link and the Search box can be accessed from the top of any page, and each tool is uniquely suited to certain purposes.

First, the research library, containing collections like research catalog pages, publications, and patent listings, incorporates preset filters that let you query each collection by date, author, source, and other collection-specific attributes. 

Separately, the website employs a search appliance to power its full-text search by indexing virtually every web page and PDF file on the SRC website including, among other content, the research catalog, publications, and patents. The search result pages incorporate faceted search to help you refine your searches.

While either approach may get the job done, it is good to familiarize yourself with their relative strengths and limitations. The following chart will help.

FeatureSRC LibrarySearch Engine
Full-text search of web pages and documents   Yes
Filter by program, center, theme or thrust Yes Yes
Filter by year Yes Yes
Filter by research ID, researcher, thrust/theme title Yes  
Includes research catalog, publications, and patents Yes Yes
Includes events, program/center pages, and more   Yes
Predefined queries (featured topics) Yes  
Download results (in an Excel grid) Yes  

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