SRC 2021 Champion Award

Over the past few years, Dr. Mondira "Mandy" Deb Pant, a Principal Engineer, has served as Academic Research Director at Intel Labs. Her SRC leadership has included service in the JUMP/nCORE Science Advisory Board (SAB) as well as her current role on the NST++ Science Advisory Panel (SAP), who is working to define a potential new set of DARPA innovation Centers.

Mandy’s impact goes beyond just JUMP and nCORE, through her involvement in all SRC research, helping ~266 Intel task liaisons engage in SRC research tasks that map to their interests and corporate priorities. Since January 2020, Mandy has logged into SRC’s website over 5,800 times! In addition, in her new role as the Chair of the Technical Committee on Very Large Scale Integration (TCVLSI), she helped to highlight the launch of SRC’s Decadal Plan for Semiconductors in her inaugural TCVLSI newsletter (Jan 2021).

At Intel Labs, she has driven research efforts in areas of strategic importance to Intel and the computing industry at large and has helped in driving and deploying Intel's internal innovation programs. Prior to her role in Academic Research, she served as a technologist in the area of power delivery and power management, particularly on-chip power delivery issues, power management, and power reduction for next generation high volume server microprocessors.

Mandy has published 20+ technical papers in prestigious VLSI conferences and journals, has 3 issued patents and 5 pending patents. She received her Bachelors (B.Tech) in Computer Science and Engineering from I.I.T Kharagpur, India, a Masters (MS) in Electrical Engineering and a Doctorate (PhD) in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA. She joined Intel in 2001 as part of the Alpha team acquisition from Compaq Computer Corporation where she worked since graduating in 2000.

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