SRC 2019 Champion Award

This year’s recipient is David Gundlach, Chief of the Nanoscale Device Characterization Division of the Physical Measurement Laboratory (PML) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). David is a strong advocate for SRC. He has been involved in NIST-SRC partnership since the NRI program and has contributed significantly to further enhance this partnership in the follow-on nCORE program. He advocated the nCORE program to top management at NIST and secured five-year funding for this partnership even with budget uncertainty that every agency is facing today. He has encouraged participation in SRC activities not only in his division but also across other organizations in NIST. He supported direct engagement of SRC researchers with NIST by hiring post-docs from nCORE centers to NIST labs and found resources to support the engagement activities. Under his leadership, NIST researchers have been more closely collaborating with SRC PIs on advanced characterization and fundamental research. Please join me in congratulating David on this SRC Champion Award.


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