2007 Mahboob Khan Outstanding Mentor Award Winners

The Mahboob Khan Outstanding Mentor Award recognizes individuals who, in serving as SRC GRC Industry Liaisons, have had significant impact on the technical contributions of the research, have been instrumental in transferring the research results to industry, and are deeply committed to the education of graduate students. Nominations for individuals serving as Industry Liaisons are accepted from members of the SRC GRC community including SRC GRC-sponsored university researchers and graduate students.

Rick Wise, Jon Reid, Martin Gall, Hsi-An Kwong, Charles Alpert, and Radu Secareanu

Charles Alpert is the technical lead at IBM Austin Research Lab. He has served as a Mentor/Industry Liaison to Professor Jiang Hu of Texas A&M University working with the task, " Interconnect Design for Integrated Synthesis/Layout System." According to Professor Hu, Dr. Alpert's advise and counsel led to a outcomes that tightly aligned their research activities with real industry research needs.

Martin Gall of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc has worked with the research team lead by Professor Paul Ho at the University of Texas/Austin since 2002. Dr. Gall's enthusiasm and excellent knowledge of interconnect has made significant contributions to the success of students in Professor Ho's group. He has served on several thesis committees and has worked to provided three student internships at Freescale.

Hsi-An Kwong of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. in Chandler, Arizona has worked with the NSF/SRC Engineering Research Center for Environmentally Benign Semiconductor Manufacturing at the University of Arizona for over 6 years. Recently, Mr. Kwong took the initiative to form a task force at Freescale to work with students and PIs for the technology transfer to industry. These direct interactions with students have given them a feel for how things are done in a "real" fab.

Colin McAndrew of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. in Tempe, Arizona has worked with Arizona State University's Professor Gennady Gildenblat on his MOSFET compact modeling project since 1999. According to Professor Gildenblat, Dr. McAndrew initiated a statistical modeling project at ASU and connected students with researchers in this field with Freescale and other member companies. Dr. McAndrew was an active participant in the industry's decision to accept the PSP model as an industry standard.

Jon Reid of Novellus has been working with Alan West of Columbia University since 1999. Professor West notes that Jon has been instrumental in keeping his research activities aligned with industry practice. His ability to pose probing questions inspired both PI and students to design experiments that directly address important answers and transfer results to the member companies.

Radu Secareanu of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. has collaborated with Professor Eby Friedman of the University of Rochester for over ten years, providing guidance and advice to three SRC GRC research projects during that time. According to Professor Friedman, "his personal guidance and attention to all levels of detail and his willingness to spend large amounts of time to communicate and share ideas with my PhD students and me are without bound."

Rick Wise of Texas Instruments, Inc. was nominated by former University of Texas/Austin student, Sachin Joshi of Intel Corporation for his regular involvement and productive discussions enabling him to pursue a significant range of new channel materials relevant for the industry. According to Dr. Joshi, "one of the greatest things about my frequent discussions with him and Dr. Banerjee was his clear perspective on what it would take to move things to the next level of development/manufacturing."

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