Sample Website User Agreement

Website User Agreement

Citizenship and Country of Residence

The issues related to verifying citizenship and country of residence to allow access to website content are complex. If either your citizenship or country of residence is not the USA, please review the citizenship and country of residence requirements for obtaining an account before proceeding to the next section of this User Agreement to determine if you qualify for an account.

Citizenship and Country of Residence Requirements

Questions or comments regarding these requirements may be directed to the webmaster.

United States Citizen or Equivalent Status:

If a person requesting a website account is a U.S. Citizen, is a permanent resident of the U.S., has been granted refugee status in the U.S. or has been granted political asylum in the U.S., that person may be treated as a United States citizen for export control purposes. In this case, a person is eligible to receive a website account if they agree to comply with all terms and conditions of the website User Agreement, and their country of residence is not one of the listed export controlled countries.

Export Controlled Countries

GROUP E Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria

If the person is resident in any of these export controlled (Group E) countries, that person is not eligible to receive website access.

Other Citizenship Status:

If a person requesting a website account is not a U.S. Citizen, is not a permanent resident of the U.S., has not been granted refugee status in the U.S., or has not been granted political asylum in the U.S., the export control status of the person and website account eligibility depend on other factors:

If a person is not a citizen of any listed export controlled (Group E) country and is not a resident of any listed export controlled (Group E) country, then the person is eligible to receive a website account if they agree to comply with all terms and conditions of the website User Agreement.

If a person is not a citizen of any listed export controlled (Group E) country and is a resident of any listed export controlled (Group E) country, then the person is not eligible to receive a website account.

If a person is a citizen of any listed export controlled (Group E) country and is a resident of the United States, then the person may be eligible to receive a website account. In this case, a person is eligible to receive a website account if they agree to comply with all terms and conditions of the website User Agreement and written assurance of export compliance is received from someone in a position of authority within the organization the person represents (i.e., a member company or a sponsored university) as listed in the User's personal description. The written assurance should state that the person is employed by the listed organization in full compliance with applicable export control laws and regulations, that providing website access is authorized given that person's role in their organization, and that the person agrees to comply with applicable export control laws and regulations associated with website access.

If a person is a citizen of any listed export controlled (Group E) country and is not a resident of the United States, then the person is not eligible to receive a website account.

Export Control Requirements for Obtaining an Account

Access to, receipt of, transmission of, and the disposition of information, technology, data or software from the website must be in accordance with all applicable U.S. export control laws and federal agency regulations. The information, technology, data, and software accessed from the website are the results of sponsored fundamental research programs conducted at universities in the United States and Canada. The User agrees to comply with all citizenship, country of residence, and export control based limitations on website access relating to listed export controlled (Group E) countries. Further, the User agrees not to export or re-export website contents in any form, except in full compliance with all applicable U.S. export control laws and related federal agency regulations.

In addition, the website User certifies and agrees that any information, data, software or technology obtained from or through the website:

  • will not be accessed from or used in any form within any of the listed export controlled (Group E) countries, and
  • will not be re-exported in any form to any of the listed export controlled (Group E) countries.

Access, Distribution, Nature of Website Contents

Website contents (including technology, information, data and software) available in the username- and password-protected areas of the website are private communications between the website Host and authorized Users of the website. As such, access to and distribution of this information is limited to eligible Users who accept the website User Agreement. The User certifies being an individual authorized to access the website, as defined in the personal description on the account certification page.

Each User understands that, except for information in connection with patent and other intellectual property matters, the information hosted on the website is not university or company confidential information. In addition, each User agrees not to post or add any unauthorized confidential information to the website.

Each User also agrees not to disseminate personal information (i.e., resumes, email addresses, telephone numbers, contact information, etc.) to anyone outside the organization listed in the User's personal description on the account certification page to which the User belongs and that justifies access to the website.

Terms, Conditions and Limitations on Usage

Website contents are provided for the benefit of the companies sponsoring research and/or student programs. User access to the website will be provided in a manner that preserves the value of membership/sponsorship and the website content to these companies. The User certifies having a valid business reason to access the website relating to the organization listed in the personal description on the account certification page.

In addition, the website User agrees to use any information, data, software, or technology obtained through or from the website only for purposes related to conducting sponsored research or student activities and/or the activities of the authorizing organization. The website User agrees not to provide, share, or disseminate any information, data, software or technology obtained from the website to any other person, company or organization outside the authorizing organization without prior written permission.

Further, Website accounts requiring login with username and password are provided as a service to authorized and eligible individuals. Use of a website account indicates continued acceptance of the terms of this agreement and continued accuracy of the personal description registration information. The User agrees not to access or use the website in breach of the terms of the User Agreement or when the personal description is not complete and accurate. The website account is not transferable and cannot be used by anyone other than the individual to whom it was issued.

Termination of Permission to Use Account

The website Host retains the right to terminate a website account when a User's eligibility, authorization and/or affiliation changes such that the terms of this User Agreement are no longer valid.

All website Users understand and agree that website access may be terminated if the email address used to obtain access becomes revoked, invalidated or cannot receive email. Website access may need to be recertified periodically to revalidate the personal description, User certification and User Agreement. Notice will be provided to website Users when it becomes necessary to recertify the account.

Respecting and Protecting Intellectual Property Rights

The contents of the website include university copyrighted information. Some of the technology and/or software from the website is protected or may be eligible for protection by U.S. and international patents. Member/sponsor companies typically obtain license rights protecting the freedom to practice research results emanating from SRC sponsored research programs. The User agrees not to disseminate or publicly disclose any unprotected to respect and protect any intellectual property information, including the contents of patent disclosures, relating to or originating from the contents of the website.

Certification Required for Obtaining a Website Account

To receive an account for accessing the website listed above, as a User, I certify the following to be true.

  • The personal description on the account certification page is current; it completely and accurately describes me as the individual requesting website access.
  • My access to the website is provided based on one of the scenarios below.
    • I will use website access only for valid business reasons related to sponsored research programs or to the mission of the organization listed in my personal description; and I will not access the website unless I remain a member in good standing of my organization and I am currently employed in at least one of the following capacities:
      • as an employee of a member/sponsoring company, a participating U.S. government agency, or a strategic semiconductor industry partner, or
      • as a university employee participating as a sponsored researcher, administrative assistant or enrolled university student, or
      • as an authorized individual participating in research or sponsored student programs.
    • I am an individual who has been invited by an authorized representative of SRC or one of its subsidiaries to participate in one or more discussion forums.
  • I meet the citizenship, place of residence and export control requirements for having a website account.
  • I have read, understood and agree to comply with all terms and conditions in the website User Agreement and in the Privacy Policy.

4819 Emperor Blvd, Suite 300 Durham, NC 27703 Voice: (919) 941-9400 Fax: (919) 941-9450