NRI Architecture & Device Benchmarking Workshop
- Date:
- Monday, Aug. 9, 2010, 8 a.m.–6:30 p.m. ET
- Location:
- McKenna Hall, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, United States
- Event ID:
- E003975
This event will provide a forum for the NRI Community to present and to discuss their input to the NRI Benchmarking Study. A wide cross section of the NRI community has submitted their data, and this workshop will allow the various groups an opportunity to discuss the approaches and assumptions that went into generating their data. PIs will be reporting how their device delivers throughput, rather than how the physics of their device works. This will be a true workshop with ample opportunity for interactions. It is hoped that this event will result in advancing consensus across the NRI community, and in improved uniformity of data for the NRI Benchmarking Study. The workshop will also include an interim readout of the NRI emerging switches architecture benchmarking effort.
This meeting is available via WebEx. On the day of the meeting, click the link above and follow the instructions.
MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 2010 | ||
8:00 AM | Check-In and Continental Breakfast | |
Opening Session - Chair: Alan Seabaugh, Notre Dame |
8:30 AM | Welcome | Kerry Bernstein, IBM Wolfgang Porod, Notre Dame |
8:40 AM | Introductory comments on behalf of NRI | Jeff Welser, NRI |
8:50 AM | Introductory comments on behalf of ITRS | Ralph Cavin, SRC |
9:00 AM | Overall NRI Metric Review | Kerry Bernstein, IBM |
9:30 AM | Discussion followed by Break | |
Session I - Chair: George Bourianoff, Intel |
10:00 AM | TFET | Alan Seabaugh, et al |
TFET | Suman Datta, et al | |
ExFet | Jorg Appenzeller | |
BiSFET and HetTFET | Frank Register and Sanjay Banerjee | |
Late Entries and Discussion | ||
12:00 N | Lunch | |
Session II - Chair: Andrew Marshall, Texas Instruments |
1:30 PM | NML | Michael Niemier and Jeff Bokor, et al |
Spinwaves | Alex Khitun and Kang Wang | |
ASL | Charles Augustine, Behtash Behin-Aein, and Supriyo Datta | |
MTJ | Dejan Markovich | |
Late Entries and Discussion followed by Break | ||
Session III - Chair: Chun-Yung Sung, IBM |
3:30 PM | Spin FET | Peter Ye |
Thermal FET | Yong Chen | |
Veselago | Ji Ung Lee | |
BDD | Vijay Narayanan and Suman Datta | |
Late Entries and Discussion followed by Break | ||
5:30 PM | Industry Caucus | |
6:30 PM | Reception and Dinner |
Participants are required to make their own lodging arrangements. Rooms and rates are available on a first come, first served basis. Blocks of rooms for August 8, 9 and 10 are being held at:
Ivy Court Inn and Suites
1404 Ivy Court
South Bend, IN 46637
(located just east of Notre Dame campus, 3/4 mile from McKenna Hall)
Phone: 888-325-2647
Fax: 574-271-0586
Web site: Ivy Court
Group Name: MIND Event at Notre Dame
Room Rate: $79/night (includes breakfast buffet)
Release Date: CLOSED
Fairfield Inn
1220 East Angela
South Bend, IN 46616
(across the street from campus)
Phone: 574-234-5510
Fax: 574-234-0995
Web site: Fairfield Inn
Room Rate: $139/night (includes hot breakfast)
Air Transportation
Directly To South Bend
The South Bend Regional Airport is about 15 minutes by car from the Notre Dame campus (flights should be booked to South Bend, Indiana -- airport code SBN).
From the airport, go east on Lincolnway West (left out of the airport) to downtown South Bend. Turn left on Indiana 933 (Michigan Street) and proceed about two miles to Angela Boulevard. Turn right onto Angela, and then turn left at the second stoplight (Eddy Street). Follow signs to visitor parking.
From Chicago
The University is about two hours by car from Chicago's O'Hare International Airport and about 90 minutes from Midway International Airport.
From O'Hare, take I-190 east out of the airport, merge onto I-90 east (the Kennedy Expressway) toward downtown Chicago and merge with I-94 south (the Dan Ryan Expressway). Take the Skyway exit off the Dan Ryan and remain on I-90 to the Indiana Toll Road, which merges with I-80. From the Illinois border, it is about 75 miles to Exit 77 (the South Bend/Notre Dame exit).
Date | Event Summary |
August 2010
NRI NRI | MIND Center Onsite Review Tuesday, Aug. 10, 2010, 8 a.m. — Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2010, noon ET Notre Dame, IN, United States Onsite review of NRI's Midwest Institute for Nanoelectronic Discovery Center, hosted by Notre Dame University. |
Name | Organization |
Antoniadis, Dimitri A. | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Appenzeller, Joerg | Purdue University |
Apte, Pushkar P. | Semiconductor Industry Association |
Augustine, Charles | Purdue University |
Banerjee, Sanjay K. | University of Texas at Austin |
Behin-Aein, Behtash | Purdue University |
Bernstein, Kerry | IBM Corporation |
Bhattacharya, Anand | Argonne National Laboratory |
Biswas, Abhijit | University of Notre Dame |
Bloschock, Kristen | DARPA |
Botros, Youssry Y. | Intel Corporation |
Bourianoff, George I. | Intel Corporation |
Cavin, Ralph K. | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Chen, An | GlobalFoundries Inc. |
Chen, Chen | University of Notre Dame |
Chen, Hong-Yan | Purdue University |
Chen, Yong P. | Purdue University |
Colombo, Luigi | Texas Instruments Incorporated |
Crocker, Michael | University of Notre Dame |
Csaba, Gyorgy | University of Notre Dame |
Datta, Suman | Pennsylvania State University |
Davidson, Brian N. | Science and Technology Associates |
Deethardt, Heidi | University of Notre Dame |
Dewey, Gilbert | Intel Corporation |
Dingler, Aaron | University of Notre Dame |
Dunn, Robert | University of Notre Dame |
Dysart, Timothy J. | University of Notre Dame |
Fang, Tian | University of Notre Dame |
Faria, Faiza A. | University of Notre Dame |
Fernandez-Torres, Luis C. | University of Notre Dame |
Fuja, Tom | University of Notre Dame |
Fullerton, Susan K. | University of Notre Dame |
Galatsis, Kosmas | University of California, Los Angeles |
Ganguly, Satyaki | University of Notre Dame |
Guo, Jia | University of Notre Dame |
Hilbert, Allison | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Hu, Jiuning | Purdue University |
Hu, Xiaobo Sharon | University of Notre Dame |
Hwang, Wan Sik | University of Notre Dame |
Jana, Raj | University of Notre Dame |
Jena, Debdeep | University of Notre Dame |
Karnik, Tanay | Intel Corporation |
Khan, Aamir Ahmed | University of Notre Dame |
Khitun, Alexander | University of California, Los Angeles |
Kilpatrick, Peter | University of Notre Dame |
Kim, Jiyoung | University of Texas at Dallas |
Kogge, Peter | University of Notre Dame |
Konar, Aniruddha | University of Notre Dame |
Kosel, Thomas H. | University of Notre Dame |
Krivokapic, Zoran | GlobalFoundries Inc. |
Lee, Ji Ung | University at Albany - SUNY |
Lee, Yen-Chun | University of Notre Dame |
Lent, Craig S. | University of Notre Dame |
Li, Guowang | University of Notre Dame |
Li, Jinyang | University of Notre Dame |
Li, Peng | University of Notre Dame |
Liu, Huichu | Pennsylvania State University |
Liu, Qingmin | University of Notre Dame |
Liu, Shiliang | University of Notre Dame |
Low, Tony | Purdue University |
Madukoma, Chinedu | University of Notre Dame |
Markovic, Dejan | University of California, Los Angeles |
Marshall, Andrew | Texas Instruments Incorporated |
Martinez de Pinillos, Joaquin | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Mauch, Greg | University of Notre Dame |
Maynard, Terrence Q. | Argonne National Laboratory |
Mazumder, Pinaki | University of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Metcalf, Maureen | University of Notre Dame |
Mohata, Dheeraj | Pennsylvania State University |
Mookerjea, Saurabh | Pennsylvania State University |
Nahas, Joseph J. | University of Notre Dame |
Narayanan, Vijaykrishnan | Pennsylvania State University |
Nida, Selamnesh | University of Notre Dame |
Niemier, Michael T. | University of Notre Dame |
Nikonov, Dmitri | Intel Corporation |
Obeng, Yaw | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
O'Brien, William | University of Notre Dame |
Oktyabrsky, Serge | University at Albany - SUNY |
Parsons, Mary | University of Notre Dame |
Phifer, Arnie | University of Notre Dame |
Porod, Wolfgang | University of Notre Dame |
Prater, John T. | U.S. Army Research Office |
Rahman, Mohammad S. | University of Notre Dame |
Register, Leonard F. | University of Texas at Austin |
Reinbold, Kirk | University of Notre Dame |
Robakowski, Christina | University of Notre Dame |
Rogers, Jeffrey | DARPA |
Rondinelli, James M. | Argonne National Laboratory |
Sahu, Bhagawan | University of Texas at Austin |
Saripalli, Vinay | Pennsylvania State University |
Seabaugh, Alan C. | University of Notre Dame |
Shah, Faisal | University of Notre Dame |
Stan, Mircea R. | University of Virginia, Charlottesville |
Stephenson, Chad | University of Notre Dame |
Sung, Chun-Yung | IBM Corporation |
Tahy, Kristof | University of Notre Dame |
Theis, Thomas N. | IBM Corporation |
Tutuc, Emanuel | University of Texas at Austin |
Vallett, Aaron | Pennsylvania State University |
Wang, Deqiang | University of Notre Dame |
Wang, Kang L. | University of California, Los Angeles |
Wang, Ronghua | University of Notre Dame |
Wang, Wei | University at Albany - SUNY |
Weitzman, Elizabeth | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Welser, Jeffrey J. | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Wistey, Mark A. | University of Notre Dame |
Wong, H.-S. Philip | Stanford University |
Wu, Bin | University of Notre Dame |
Xing, Grace Huili | University of Notre Dame |
Yan, Rusen | University of Notre Dame |
Yau, Jeng-Bang | IBM Corporation |
Ye, Peide | Purdue University |
Young, Ian A. | Intel Corporation |
Zha, Chaolin | University of Notre Dame |
Zhang, Qin | University of Notre Dame |
Zhang, Zhengya | University of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Zhao, Pei | University of Notre Dame |
Zhou, Guangle | University of Notre Dame |
Zhou, Yuchun | University of California, San Diego |