SRC GRC Core Research

GRC supports two kinds of research--Core and Custom. Core research is selected by representatives of the entire GRC membership. Currently, core research is about 80% of the total research budget.

GRC, as a mission-oriented research organization, funds research directly responsive to its defined agenda. The funding terms for contracts vary; however, the GRC trend is toward multi-year research efforts (typically three years) with an initial 12-month funding term. At the end of the multi-year period, researchers may re-compete for new support.

White Papers

Calls for White Papers are made by each Thrust Area as needs are identified. The response to the call should be brief, but provide sufficient information to provide a basis for evaluating: 1) the novelty of the research, and 2) soundness of approach. After the GRC Director, and Thrust TABs review the White Paper, a full proposal may be requested.

Solicited Proposals

Proposals provide sufficient information to permit an evaluation of the intended research, its technical merits, innovative approach, and relevance to the GRC research agenda. The author should presume general technical knowledge in the field by reviewers, but should not assume that the merits of the proposal are obvious. The capability of the institution to adequately support the proposed research and the technical expertise of the researchers to conduct this research should be justified. Refer to the Proposal Submission Guide for specific authoring and submission instructions.

Each white paper or research proposal is the property of the university authoring it and therefore is treated as confidential. White papers are made available to the appropriate Thrust TAB members, or their designees in their company, who are responsible for making funding recommendations about the work to GRC.

Portfolio management

Portfolio management includes the opportunity for all members to attend the annual program review. Groups of similar programs are usually scheduled together for annual review by the Thrust Area monitor. The Research Catalog page which contains research goals, task background, description, and deliverables along with links to research results and student participants is available on a secured Web site.

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