All Students - Register Now!
For the first time, SRC is hosting a networking and recruiting event open to all SRC students! Attend Spring CareerConnections and join the CHOIR: Career Hiring Opportunities Internships Recruiting
SRC Newsletter: February Issue
Find out which SRC researchers have been recognized for their work
Featured Publication
DARPA’s ERI Developing Breakthrough US National Electronics Capabilities
DARPA-led ERI investments, SRC JUMP, MTO, and its corporate partners have organized to build up a fundamental research base in the fields underlying future microelectronics technologies.
SRC In The News
SRC Funded Research Featured at ISSCC
SRC member companies and supported research are an integral part of the IEEE International Solid State Circuits Conference
Carbon Nanotube Advances Announced by TSMC
Advances built off Professor Kummel’s research funded by SRC
Stanford, UC Berkeley Professors Honored for Excellence in Semiconductor Research
WASHINGTON—Nov. 12, 2020—The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) and the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) today announced the winners of the 2020 SIA-SRC University Research Awards: Dr. Kenneth Goodson, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University, and Dr. Ali Niknejad, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Goodson and Dr. Niknejad will accept the award during the 2020 SIA Leadership Forum & Award Celebration, a virtual event taking place on Thursday, Nov. 19 at 3 p.m. EST.
Press Release
TECHCON 2020 Goes Virtual
Same great conference, just keeping you safe by going virtual. TECHCON features 32 session and 160 student presentations. Registration opening soon.