Director: Madhavan Swaminathan
Assistant Director: Muhannad Bakir
CHIMES is a JUMP 2.0 technology center with three primary drivers: 1) Using system architecture metrics to drive new technologies for the center (application-pull) enabling targeted innovations based on system needs; 2) Using technological innovations in the center to enable new system architectures considering system-level tradeoffs across flexible design spaces (technology-push); and 3) Ensuring portability and scalability of the technology components developed in the center, across diverse applications and platforms. CHIMES is organized into four major themes:
- Theme 1: System Driven Functional Integration & Aggregation
- Theme 2: Monolithic 3D (M3D) Densification and Diversification on Silicon Platform
- Theme 3: Ultra Dense Heterogeneous Interconnect and Assembly
- Theme 4: Materials Behavior, Synthesis, Metrology and Reliability
The cross-center interactions are enabled through Theme I (with JUMP 2.0 System Centers) and Theme II/IV (with JUMP 2.0 Materials & Devices Center).
CHIMES Metrics
24 Projects15 Universities90 Research Scholars27 Faculty Researchers96 Liaison Personnel -
This Year
46 Research Data3 Patent Applications -
Last Year
24 Project Starts94 Research Data -
Since Inception
24 Projects15 Universities100 Research Scholars29 Faculty Researchers122 Liaisons140 Research Data3 Patent Applications