CUBIC: Center for Ubiquitous Connectivity

Director: Keren Bergman
Assistant Director: Ali Niknejad

CUBIC was founded with a vision to flatten the computation-communication gap, delivering seamless Edge-to-Cloud connectivity with transformational reductions in the global system energy consumption. The CUBIC community of like-minded leading researchers is a tightly integrated organization with a shared Grand Challenge: Realize robust, scalable wireless Edge to Cloud connectivity at > 10 Tbps with sub-pJ/bit energy efficiencies, while enhancing bandwidth densities by >100X over capacity-constrained channels. CUBIC will strive to meet the Grand Challenge with a systems driven, cross-layer, vertically integrated research strategy based on: 1) developing photonic, wired, and wireless connectivity solutions that adapt to the requirements of distributed data-centric application drivers (adaptive functional connectivity); 2) leveraging the intrinsic high computational capacity of scaled CMOS technologies to enhance communication capacity (high-capacity robust connectivity via massive compute); 3) develop dense photonic and electronic connectivity fabrics to enable full utilization of distributed compute resources (ultra-dense connectivity to enhance compute); and 4) co-optimize and co-design from systems-to-devices to exploit synergies across the system stack (systems-to-devices research). Two center-wide System Connectivity Platforms will serve as focal points for CUBIC system validation, technology integration, and research breakthrough demonstrations: 1) The Socket-to-Socket Distributed AI/ML/HPC Fabric Platform (SoSFab) will demonstrate end-to-end data path transporting intra-socket bandwidth densities to systemwide photonic connectivity; and 2) The Real Time Antenna-to-Compute Wireless Testbed (ReACT) will integrate CUBIC massive mmWave frontend modules and digital beamforming circuits with high-performance radio baseband systems to demonstrate real-time scalable and robust wireless connectivity from antenna to compute.

CUBIC’s research strategy will be executed via three closely coordinated technical themes, each structured to facilitate application-driven cross-layer co-design from devices-to-systems: Theme 1 (Connectivity Networks and Systems) drives the cross-cutting system level connectivity, security, and applications challenges to enable pervasive, flexible optical connectivity in the Cloud, and robust and dynamic Edge wireless networks; Theme 2 (Wireline and Lightwave Interconnects) enables pervasive system-wide photonics-based high-bandwidth density connectivity with extreme energy efficiency; Theme 3 (Wireless Circuits and Technology) realizes low latency, reliable wireless connectivity with massive capacity, guaranteed security, and low cost of access.

CUBIC Metrics

  1. Current

    37 Projects
    13 Universities
    123 Research Scholars
    24 Faculty Researchers
    77 Liaison Personnel
  2. This Year

    128 Research Data
  3. Last Year

    37 Project Starts
    326 Research Data
  4. Since Inception

    37 Projects
    13 Universities
    148 Research Scholars
    24 Faculty Researchers
    91 Liaisons
    454 Research Data
Updated: 23-May-2024, 12:05 a.m. ET

4819 Emperor Blvd, Suite 300 Durham, NC 27703 Voice: (919) 941-9400 Fax: (919) 941-9450

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