Glossary of SRC Terms and Acronyms
As in any enterprise, shortcuts to language have developed over time resulting in abbreviations and acronyms that may be unrecognizable to those who are new to the organization. The following list is provided to assist you in understanding the most commonly used SRC-related terminology.
AC/AV | Automotive Cybersecurity/Autonomous Vehicles |
ACE4S | ATIC-SRC Center of Excellence for Energy Efficient Electronics Systems |
ADA | Applications Driving Architectures Center, a JUMP Center |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
AMML | Antiferromagnetic Magneto-electric Memory and Logic, an nCORE Center |
AMS-CSD | Analog/Mixed Signal Circuits, Systems and Devices |
AMS | Analog and Mixed Signal |
AFRL | Air Force Research Laboratory |
ASCENT | Applications and Systems driven Center for Energy-Efficient Integrated NanoTechnologies, a JUMP Center |
ASD | Area Selective Deposition |
AI/ML | Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning |
BAA | Broad Agency Announcement (DARPA Solicitation) |
BEM | BioElectronic Medicine |
BEP | Back End Processes |
BIP | Background Intellectual Property |
BIST | Built-In Self-Test |
BoD | Board of Directors |
CBRIC | Center for Brain-inspired Computing Enabling Autonomous Intelligence, a JUMP Center |
CDADIC | Center for the Design of Analog-Digital Integrated Circuits |
CADT | Computer Aided Design & Test |
CAEML | Center for Advanced Electronics through Machine Learning |
CAIST | Center for Interconnect Science and Technology |
CAPSL | Probabilistic Spin Logic for Low-Energy Boolean and Non-Boolean Computing, an nCORE Center |
C-FAR | Center for Future Architectures Research, a STARnet Center |
CHEST | Center for Hardware and Embedded Systems Security and Trust |
CHIRP | Center for Heterogeneous Integration Research in Packaging |
CISE | Computer and Information Science and Engineering, an NSF Directorate |
CNFD | Center for NanoFerroic Devices, an NRI Center |
ComSenTer | Center for Converged TeraHertz Communications and Sensing, a JUMP Center |
CONIX | Center On Network Infrastructure for Pervasive Perception, Cognition, and Action, a JUMP Center |
CRISP | Center for Research on Intelligent Storage and Processing-in-memory, a JUMP Center |
CRR | Compelling Research Reasons |
CRRD | Collaborative Relevant Research Dollars |
C-SPIN | Center for Spintronic Materials, Interfaces and Novel Architectures, a STARnet Center |
CSR | Cross-Disciplinary Semiconductor Research |
DAC | Design Automation Conference |
DARPA | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency |
DEEP3M | Durable, Energy-Efficient, Pausable Processing in Polymorphic Memories, an nCORE Center |
DEI | Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion |
DFM | Design for Manufacturing |
DoD | Department of Defense |
DoE | Department of Energy |
DSSP | DARPA-Sponsored Special Project |
E2CDA | Energy-Efficient Computing: from Devices to Architectures |
ECTC | Electronic Components and Technology Conference |
EDA | Electronic Design Automation |
EM | Electromigration |
ENIGMA | Energy Efficient Learning Machines, an NRI Center |
EP3C | Efficiency and Performance Research for Connectivity Constrained Computing |
ERI | Electronics Resurgence Initiative, a DARPA Program |
ERP | Emerging Research Programs |
ETAB | Executive Technical Advisory Board |
ESH | Environment, Safety and Health |
EU | European Union |
EXCEL | Extremely Energy Efficient Collective Electronics, an NRI Center |
FAME | Function Accelerated nanoMaterial Engineering Center, a STARnet Center |
FCRP | Focus Center Research Program |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration |
FFO | Federal Funding Opportunity |
FIP | Foreground Intellectual Property |
GC | Governing Council |
GDPR | General Data Protection Regulation |
GFP | Graduate Fellowship Program |
GRC | Global Research Collaboration |
HI | Heterogeneous Integration |
HW-SW | Hardware - Software |
I2O | Information Innovation Office (DARPA) |
I3T | Innovative and Intelligent Integrated Technology |
IAB | Industrial Advisory Board |
IARPA | Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity |
ICA | Intelligent Cognitive Assistants |
ICT | Information and Communication Technologies |
IEDM | International Electron Devices Meeting |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers |
INDEX | Institute for Nanoelectronics Discovery and Exploration, an NRI Center |
InterMat | Interconnect Materials |
IoT | Internet of Things |
IP | Intellectual Property |
I/S Rating | Importance/Satisfaction Rating |
ISSCC | International Solid State Circuits Conference |
ISS-NL | International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory |
ITRS | International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors |
IUCRC | Industry-University Cooperative Research Center |
JUMP | Joint University Microelectronics Program |
JUMP 2.0 | Joint University Microelectronics Program 2.0 |
KPI | Key Performance Indicators |
LPD | Logic & Physical Design |
LEAST | Center for Low Energy Systems Technology, a STARnet Center |
LMD | Logic and Memory Devices |
LOI | Letter of Intent |
MAPT | Microelectronic and Advanced Packaging Technologies |
MARCO | Microelectronics Advanced Research COrporation |
MEES | Minimum Energy Electronic Systems |
MIND | Midwest Institute for Nanoelectronics Discovery, an NRI Center |
MIST | Molecular Information STorage |
ML | Machine Learning |
MMI | Microelectronics Manufacturing Institute |
MOSIS | Metal Oxide Semiconductor Implementation Service |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MSR | Member Specific Research (managed by SRC) |
MTJ | Magnetic Tunnel Junction |
MTO | Microsystems Technology Office (DARPA) |
NAPMP | National Advanced Packaging Manufacturing Program |
nCORE | nanoelectronics Computing Research |
NEEDS | Nano-Engineered Electronic Device Simulation |
NEM | Nanoengineering Materials |
NERC | Nanoelectronics Research Corporation |
NEWLIMITS | NEW materials for LogIc, Memory and InTerconnectS, an nCORE Center |
NIH | National Institutes of Health |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NMP | Nanomanufacturing Materials and Processes |
NN | Neural Network |
NPS | Net Promoter Score |
NRI | Nanoelectronics Research Initiative |
NRL | Naval Research Laboratory |
NSF | National Science Foundation |
NSTC | The National Semiconductor Technology Center |
NST | New Science Team |
OSTP | Office of Science and Technology Policy |
PAAS | Perceptive Autonomous Automotive Systems (NSF joint program) |
PAT | Patterning |
PKG | Packaging |
PM | Program Manager |
RAB | Research Advisory Board |
RCP | Research Customization Program (managed by the SRC) |
RF | Radio Frequency |
S&AS | Smart and Autonomous Systems |
SAB | Science Advisory Board |
SSB / SemiSynBio | Semiconductor Synthetic Biology |
SIA | Semiconductor Industry Association |
SLD | System Level Design |
SONIC | Systems On Nanoscale Information fabriCs Center, a STARnet Center |
SMART | Spintronic Materials for Advanced infoRmation Technologies, an nCORE Center |
SRCEA | SRC Education Alliance |
SSAV | Smart, Safe Autonomous Vehicles |
STARnet | Semiconductor Technology Advanced Research network (FCRP Phase VI) |
STARSS | Secure, Trustworthy, Assured and Resilient Semiconductors and Systems |
STEM | Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math |
SWAN | Southwest Academy of Nanoelectronics, an NRI Center |
TAB | Technical Advisory Board |
T3S | Trustworthy and Secure Semiconductors and Systems |
TerraSwarm | TerraSwarm Research Center, a STARnet Center |
TECHCON | TECHnical CONference |
THz | TerraHertz |
TPG | Technical Program Group |
TxACE | Texas Analog Center of Excellence |
UBM | Under Bump Metallization |
URI | Undergraduate Research Initiative (JUMP program) |
URM | Under Represented Minorities |
URO | Undergraduate Research Opportunities |
URP | Undergraduate Research Program |
VER | Verification |
V-TML | Verification, Validation, and Test of Machine Learning Systems |
WAB | Workforce Advisory Board |